If a batter bats out of order, this is an appeal play, which must be brought to the umpire's attention. If it is detected while the incorrect batter is at bat, the correct batter assumes the count and all plays made will stand. If it is detected after the incorrect batter has completed their turn at bat and before the next pitch (legal or illegal), the improper batter’s time at bat is negated, the batter who should have batted is out, any advance or score made because of the improper batter's advance is negated, runners not called out must return to the last base occupied at the time of the pitch, however runners put out on the play remain out. The next batter is the player whose name follows that of the player called out for failing to bat. If the error is discovered after the first pitch to the next batter, the turn at bat of the incorrect batter is legal, all runs scored and bases run are legal and the next batter shall be the one whose name follows that of the incorrect batter. No one is called out for failure to bat. No base runner shall be removed from a base to bat in his/her proper place. They merely miss their turn at bat with no penalty.