Any player with NE next to their name means that they are NOT ELIGIBLE to play in the playoffs. Good luck to all teams participating and congrats to the Slurricanes for earning the bye this season.
Millennium "A" Division
Applegate Softball
Bill Gelsomini *
Brian Meagher *
Brian Umile *
Dave Umile *
Eric Perna *
Erik Ritter *
France Cardillo *
John Malloy *
Kris Hazlett *
Pat McKeever *
Ryan Juisti *
Don Newell NE
Jamie Juisti NE
Kevin Umile NE
Steve DeBarbieri NE
Quan Ta Productions/Slurricanes
Angelo Koskinas *
Anthony Maggitti *
Frank Lanni *
Frank Smith *
Jim Broadbelt *
Jim Jenkins *
Joe Simmonds *
Jon Harris *
Larry McFadden *
Mike Ascenzi *
Ryan Dolga *
Sean Ryan *
Steve Michaels *
Steven Smith *
Tom Higgins *
Tyler Elko *
Dan Schafer NE
Penn Valley Assassins
Terrence Heller *
Billy Dougherty *
Carl Paschale *
Charles Pascale *
Jim Gavin *
Jim Toy *
Joe Bennett *
Joe Kennedy *
Joey Wells *
Mark Albertson *
Mike Antonini *
Mike Corsetti *
Mike Pallodino *
Phil England *
Rob Manton *
Ryan McBride *
Shaun Donahue *
Tom Rizzatillo *
Stephen's on State
Al Heinle *
Anthony SanFilioppo Sr. *
Anthony SanFilippo Jr. *
Billy DiPaulo *
Bobby Jones *
Brian Musmanno *
Bryan Allen *
Chip Proctor *
Dan Ryan *
Dave Pizzica *
Mark Bruno *
Mark Nevins *
Matt Gosselin *
Nick Ventrola *
Rob Fatscher *
Tim Coulter *
Andy Schwartz NE
Brad Berner NE
Jake Bachman NE
Ryan Whitemarsh NE
Miller's Ale House/Jubilee Catering HH
Andrew Ruhf *
Anthony Ditomo *
Bill Gallo *
Billy Tobin *
Bobby Brieschaft *
Chris Carlin *
Chuck Stewart *
Darius Repici *
Domenic D'Angelo *
Marc McGough *
Mike Boyle *
Mike Ianeiri *
Nick Ripici *
TJ Duranto *
Greg Atch Havink NE
Jim Cook NE
Micah Brunner NE
Stinger's Restaurant and Bar
Anthony Lusi *
Bob Webb *
Brett Mackrell *
Dan Ervin *
Drew Schilling *
Frank Siliciano *
Greg Perna *
Jay Trainer *
Joe Duffy *
Mike Moritz *
Mike Santella *
Mike Sumser *
Pat McGinnis *
Scott Trainer *
Steve Hancock *
Cody Mathis NE
Larry Rankin NE