The 2022 Red Kettle Softball Tournament has been scheduled to be played on Saturday, December 10th at Camp Upland.
Camp Upland
280 6th Street
Upland, PA 1901
2022 Red Kettle Softball Tournament: Fact Sheet
1. All proceeds from the tournament will benefit the Salvation Army.
2. Men's Slow Pitch @ Camp Upland
Date: Saturday, December 10th
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Entry Fee: $150
3. The tournament is open to the first (6) teams who enter.
4. A championship plaque will be awarded to the winning team.
5. A free raffle will be held that will give tournament teams a chance to win prizes like replica Philadelphia Eagles and 76ers Jerseys.
6. For more information or to enter a team in the tournament contact: Larry McFadden at (610) 864-2927 or email: