Congratulations Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys did great this season and know it's time to man up. Good luck to all.
This is a list of the players eligible to participate in the playoffs starting tomorrow.
Global Security
Palyoff Eligible
Nick Biondy
Nick Biondy Jr.
Aaron O'Neal
Austin O'Neal
Josh Garcia
Josh Strous
Brian McVaugh
Haley Laureta
Chip Brown
Jim Spicer Jr.
Justin Rahmen
Randy Bachman
Steve Laird
Shawn Long
Jesse Orfetel
Jim Spicer
Busty's Tavern
Playoff Eligible
John McAndrew
Fred Zeigler
Geoff Walker
Troung Nguyen
Mike McAndrew
Rich Gray
Darnell Jenkins
Joey Papp
Max Palumbo
Frank Raiger
Brian Kobielnik
Colin Sullivan
James Raiger
Ryan Sinclair
Paul Tillett
Jay Rothe
Jared Raper
Tonsa Fence
Playoff Eligible
Bobby Vernitsky
Paul Spangler
Glenn Stanners
Dan Krautzel
Mike Zane
Bo Deprince
Mark Albertson
John Wunder
Paul Verntitsky
Dylan Tonsa
Brandon Bradley
Andrew Hunt
Joe Garrison
Marty Magee's Hops
Dan McKeown
Chris Bone
Dustin Dodds
Rich Deyarmin
Alex Kelso
Kevin Cassidy
Dennis Gliem
Cory Caffo
Cory Caffo Junior
Bill Kinsler
Jake Lancianese
Dan Carson
RJ Johnson
Joe Magee