Help with a fuse box for '67 Full Size. Does anybody have a photo and/or a diagram of the fuse box? ( Wish I could do it). Anyway, On my fuse box, I have a wire coming off the jack that is next to the radio fuse. I have no idea what it would be for. I added an aftermarket cruise about 20 years ago, but I can't remember how I hooked up the power. Are these jacks next to the fuses for power to add-ons?
My cigarette lighter doesn't seem to work. Isn't this a standard feature on all full-size? Right now the fuse for the radio is broke. Would that have anything to do with cigarette lighter? Just guessing. You guys are so knowlegable about this stuff.
Get a test light and check for power .if you have no power at a certain point turn on the car and check again . On my 66 there are fuses that have power with the car off and others that only Have power when the car is on .