What is the CORRECT color dip stick for a 1968 427 L36 with original oil pan ... I know this question has been asked before but the answers varied and were not conclusive... Interested to hear again what "ANYONE/EVERYONE" may have too offer ... And how about some of you gentlemen with high point scoring cars chip in this time ... Thanks Glenn
Re: Dip Stick Revisited
Posted by donnyb on 5/12/2019, 10:52 pm, in reply to "Dip Stick Revisited" VIP Member and Board Expert
Glenn, if you remember and reach out to me in about a month, I can take a look at one on a 17K mile car that is mostly untouched. Stay in touch please. I will try and help. Donny
Hi Glen, I Believe it should be the yellow tip ....my L 36 has its original yellow tip dipstick.... they reproduce it but the shape of the finger hole ring is Not rightt .....it should be bent back like a question Mark Not a P And the yellow tip isn’t quite the right color yellow. That’s my two cents 😀
Danny, Rcrusher68, Thanks for the reply, much appreciated ... Yellow seemed to be the most popular choice last time this question was asked, but other colors (red, white) were also mentioned as being correct that's why I asked again ... Anyway thanks again gentlemen for the reply and seeing as the nobody else including the experts and/or the "keepers of secrets" haven't had a thought on this either time the question was asked I will go 100% with your knowledge ... Yellow it is ... Thank You ... Cheers Glenn