Does anybody know where I could get my hands on a dash Mount tach for my L72 car? Thanks!
Re: 1969 tachometer
Posted by Nick on 7/16/2019, 9:50 pm, in reply to "1969 tachometer"
1969 Impalas did not have a factory Tach. A company produced a Tach to fill the clock area. Ebay has had some listed. Any Tach could Be mounted, but the foam would not hold a top of dash. My Sun Tach was mounted on the steering column. My Auto Meter is mounted high on the column so it will not flip when in reverse. NICK L72427impalasportcoupe
Yes Nick.... 69 impalas did not have a factory Tachometer....... I believe Blake was referring to the 1969 accessory tachometer that mounts on the top of the dash pad,... you know the one that looks like a clamshell it’s lightweight made of black plastic with a horizontal sweep with black wrinkle finish and has a small GM insignia molded on the top. Danny Z24 Hammer mechanic 🤗
You mean the optional flat tach. Personally, I would not put holes in My dash, and it is hard to see. The clock hole Tach is a better buy. NICK L72427impalasportcoupe
Re: 1969 tachometer
Posted by Danny on 7/16/2019, 8:26 pm, in reply to "1969 tachometer"
In the last 30 years I’ve only come across three units That’s going to be a Hard tachometer to find........ and if one comes up it will probably be NOS in the box....Search eBay, if you’re lucky to even be the winner $$$. Somebody might have a used one this is the best place to find it. good luck