but here's my two cents. I don't think anybody will argue the largest attacks on Americans on American soil are Pearl Harbor and 9/11. The first by the Japanese and the second by Al Qaeda/Taliban. Still Haven't figured out the difference between Al Qaeda and the Taliban. I'm not that smart. If you set those two aside I'd say over the last 50 years 99.9% of attacks on Americans on American soil have been by other Americans. We're talking people walking into schools, colleges, post offices, churches, movie theatres, etc. and just shooting random people, or people using bombs to blow up Federal Buildings, churches, parks, etc., and let's not forget all of the homicides, rapes, muggings, etc. that happen on a daily basis in this country we live in. Just recently we had a guy in the Detroit area that would shoot people driving to and from work on the freeways in the Detroit area with a high powered rifle. Not from Russia or the Middle East, but from Michigan. The guy that shot the Congresswoman in the head in Arizona a few years back. Not from Russia or the Middle East, but from Arizona. The DC snipers, not from the Middle East. Timothy McVeigh, not from the Middle East. Again only my opinion, but closing the borders is a knee jerk reaction the equivalent of changing the constitution for gun control. I also think you'd have to change the constitution to close the borders, so if you're not in favor of changing the constitution for gun control you shouldn't be in favor of changing the constitution to close the borders. My father has passed away, but since he was 100% American Indian he'd probably been in favorite of closing the borders in 1492.
I actually have a friend who is from the same area of the former Soviet Union the two Boston bombers are from, and him and his wife both work two and three minimum wage part time jobs to get by, and are the nicest people you'll ever meet.
Nobody wants to talk about this, but since the Boston bombings last Monday where 3 people were killed and over a hundred injured do you realize how many people have been murdered in America, how many woman and children have been beaten and raped, and I could on, but I think you get the idea. In major cities like Detroit, Chicago, Miami, New York City, Los Angeles, etc. homicides don't even make the news any more.