Schaefer is now owned by Pabst Blue Ribbon. I actually put some time into who's bringing back all these vintage beer brands, and what I have figured out is this Greek billionaire by the name of C. Dean Metropoulos bought the rights to Pabst Blue Ribbon, and instead of reopening the brewery in Milwaukee he built a big new state of the art brewery in California. This is where he brews Pabst. Since building the brewery this guy has bought the rights to beers like Strohs, Hamms, Schlitz, Blatz, Schaefer, Colt 45, Old Milwaukee, Ranier, Olympia, St. Ides, Lone Star, Old Style, Pearl, etc. Strohs actually owned the rights to Schaefer, so when he bought the right to Strohs he also gained ownership of the rights to make Schaefer. Carling in Canada owns the rights to Black Label, and even though Carling still owns the rights to Black Label this guy has leased the rights from Carling to brew and ditribute Black Label in the United States. He actually owns the rights to brands he hasn't started brewing yet like Pfeiffer. I found an article on the Internet where this guys says out of all the brands of beers he owns the number one request he gets is to start brewing Pfeiffer again.
Pabst Blue Ribbon