I speak from 40 years of earth moving experience. 30 plus golf courses at high end resorts, 8 of which are in Mexico. Most of which were beach front.
Taking heavy equipment on a beach for any excavation is highly frowned upon worldwide. Nature has been taking care of our beach for thousands (millions?) of years. When I first arrived in La Manzanilla in '92, our beach was immense. It even rose to a crown 20 meters in front of existing buildings. Since moving here permanently in '19 I have been shocked to see equipment heading out every year to work at removing the rocks that wash up every single rainy season. Years past, the ocean took care of it, leaving a beautiful wide expanse of sand that we all fell in love with. In the past few years, our beach is shrinking. I don't think it was helped a few years ago when God only knows. how many thousands of cubic meters of sand was excavated from in front of town and used to build parking beside Quinta Valentina. BTW, all of which washed away the next rainy season.
Yes, we were hit particularly hard By Lidia's storm surge. Myself and others watched as huge waves broke thru buildings and deposited sand on Maria Asuncion.
I cringe every time I see a back hoe on the beach playing with the rocks. My personal opinion is, if that practice continues, we will not have a beach at all in the coming years.
And then there is what is left of our arroyo. But that's another post in itself.
Just my humble opinion. Others welcome.
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