Prompt - provide a list of cognates in Spanish and English that have similar spellings and meanings
Accident - Accidente Actor - Actor Animal - Animal Area - Área Bank - Banco Bar - Bar Bicycle - Bicicleta Capital - Capital Chocolate - Chocolate Climate - Clima Doctor - Doctor Education - Educación Family - Familia Fruit - Fruta Guitar - Guitarra Hospital - Hospital Hotel - Hotel Idea - Idea Island - Isla Minute - Minuto Museum - Museo Natural - Natural Ocean - Océano Opinion - Opinión Original - Original Pasta - Pasta Police - Policía Radio - Radio Restaurant - Restaurante School - Escuela Supermarket - Supermercado Telephone - Teléfono Television - Televisión Tourist - Turista University - Universidad Zoo - Zoológico
Please note that although these words have similar meanings in both languages, their pronunciation and usage might differ. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 3 Version
They forgot a few, even though they don’t sound or spell alike