Budfest at BLD
Posted by Outtastater22 on February 10, 2020, 7:59 am
It’s been 6 long years since I played budfest, but I’m ending that this year, nationally classed D but will play upper or whatever idc I’ve played it all before, I’m looking to come down from Georgia and play budfest at BLD in Mansfield I can pitch, play anywhere on the dirt mainly pitch and either middle or 2nd . And my boy that wants to come also pitches or plays middle we play together In GA and work very well together up the middle or in the dirt! We are trying to play men’s and coed! I have played in Texas lives there for 5 yrs. played with whut it dew, toros, And a lot of military ball at ft good, played with speed few times I got references if needed. Flights r already booked hope yo hear back from team that needs a couple we wanna compete don’t wanna go 0-2 or none of that