Re: Making softball look bad
You all are pathetic and coward. I was at SBW and saw this incident and it was not their fault. The guy slid into 2nd base because the game was close and they were trying to win the score was 19 to 20. When he came up from his slide the SS pushed him FIRST. And the Hawgmode player reacted like any person would do and so his team came to his defense just like the other team did as well. I had an entire conversation with the director at SBW who happens to be a good friend of mine and shortly after this incident and we both agreed Hawgmode was not in the wrong the slide was clean BUT the push from the SS was completely inappropriate. It’s pathetic that you would want to come onto a softball page ANONYMOUSLY and comment on something inaccurately to paint a team out to be bad guys when in reality they did nothing wrong. Fact of the matter is this is motivated by something that has nothing to do with softball. But that’s another topic for a different day which is part of what is wrong with the world now.