An important component of any trip, travel insurance can help visitors navigate Brazil's unique travel risks with greater ease, providing peace of mind during their holiday.
Crime in Brazilian cities, from robbery and murder to petty theft, is all too prevalent. Tourist areas and public transit pose particular risks of theft while walking alone on beaches can open you up to pickpocketing attempts.
1. Travel Insurance
Brazil is widely revered for its natural splendor (such as Amazon River and Rainforest, Iguazu Falls, and over 62 national parks), yet poses significant safety issues.
Criminal acts, including robbery and pickpocketing, are widespread across some Brazilian cities. Travelers should stay with their tour group, avoid showing valuable items publicly and exercise caution when using public transit or walking alone at night.
In an emergency medical situation in Brazil, access to quality healthcare may be limited and therefore travel medical insurance is essential.
Additionally, Brazil is currently facing an outbreak of the Zika virus; to protect yourself and avoid unexpected costs if this occurs during your travels it is recommended to purchase comprehensive trip cancellation insurance coverage. With such plans you'll be reimbursed for nonrefundable expenses should cancellation be due to Zika or another covered reason; Travel Guard offers several plans that can make traveling through Brazil worry free! Visit their site today for more details!
2. Medical Insurance
Brazilian travelers and residents can depend on its public healthcare system, SUS (Sistema Unico de Sade). Foreign residents may purchase locally-sourced private medical travel insurance to Dominican Republic as part of their work compensation packages; however, quality varies significantly among insurers and some may limit coverage or exclude services altogether.
Mosquito-borne diseases like yellow fever, dengue fever and malaria pose a particular threat in rural and jungle areas of Brazil, so travelers are strongly encouraged to receive all required vaccines prior to travelling there.
Brazil's climate can be unpredictable, often featuring severe storms and flooding during its rainy season. A good travel insurance plan should include coverage against natural disasters that may disrupt your plans; reimbursement of nonrefundable expenses paid in advance in case these events result in cancellation or change, plus gear theft coverage to protect lost items.
3. Emergency Medical Evacuation
Brazil is renowned for its vibrant culture, unique cuisine and gorgeous beaches. Unfortunately, however, many visitors encounter crime while visiting, particularly in Rio de Janeiro.
Crime in urban areas often includes pickpocketing, purse snatching and flash mob robberies (known as "arrastoes"). Be wary when leaving valuables at home and always remain aware of your surroundings.
Bring a padlock with you to secure your hotel room. Also leave a copy of your itinerary with someone at home in case anything unexpected comes up during your journey.
As part of your travel preparations, it is recommended that you get vaccinated against Hepatitis A, Yellow Fever and Typhoid vaccinations. Your itinerary may require additional vaccines - for up-to-date recommendations from the CDC website click here and notify your bank to flag unusual activity on your card and secure your account.
4. Emergency Travel Assistance
In case of unexpected medical or travel-related mishaps, a comprehensive travel insurance policy should cover hospitalisation expenses as well as cashless hospitalisation features to make payment hassle-free.
Security: Pickpocketing and other forms of minor crime are an ever-present risk in Brazil's bustling tourist areas, so it is wise to carry only limited cash and valuables close at all times. Visitors should avoid visiting isolated or remote places and remain mindful of their surroundings when walking in public spaces.
International travel can be costly, particularly when booking nonrefundable hotels and airfares in advance. If you are planning a visit to Brazil, purchasing cancel for any reason trip cancellation insurance could help cover prepaid, nonrefundable travel expenses if plans change due to an unforeseen event or health condition covered by American Visitor Insurance plans with ease using their user-friendly comparison tool. Read carefully through your policy's details and exclusions as this may save time when planning future journeys abroad.
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