Posted by Lone Star Softball on July 16, 2019, 8:47 am
The time has come for the Grand Championship of Texas Softball, the Lone Star Shootout Battle For The Rings. There will be multiple festivities on Friday night at Big League Dreams in League City, TX.
PLAYER I.D. & CHECK-IN As always, players will be required to check-in at the registration booth and present a valid identification to be able to sign your team’s roster and play in this tournament. This booth will be open Friday night from 7-10 p.m. for those who would like to get this duty out of the way in a more relaxed environment. If you wait until Saturday to check-in, please arrive at least a full hour ahead of your first game time as lines will be long and the process much slower.
BAT TESTING Again as always, bats must be tested in advance in order to be used in this tournament. You cannot just show up and stick a bat in the bucket at your first game. It will not be allowed in play without first being tested and the proper approval tag. This process can also be completed on Friday night to save you more time on Saturday morning.
ALL-STAR GAMES The annual All-Star games will begin at 7 p.m. on Crosley and Yankee. All teams will play 2 games this year. Here is the schedule:
CROSLEY 7:00 p.m. South B/C vs. Southwest B/C 8:00 p.m. North B/C vs. South B/C 9:00 p.m. Southwest B/C vs. North B/C 10:00 p.m. Southwest D vs. North D
YANKEE 7:00 p.m. South D vs. Southwest D 8:00 p.m. North D vs. South D 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Home Run Derby
HOME RUN DERBY Son Of God Sports and Premier Athletics are partnering with Lone Star Softball to host a Texas Championship Home Run Derby. Open hitting will begin at 9:00 p.m. on Yankee and last until about 10:30 p.m. when the hit-off will begin. The winner gets a custom-made Texas Championship Home Run Belt and bragging rights for the entire state.
It’s going to be a festive environment and a lot of fun. We hope to see you there.