What are every day symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency?
Posted by Finess on August 4, 2023, 2:31 am
Let me answer you with my own experience and being a doctor as well. Being in a lifestyle of very limited sun exposure and not taking appropriate and per day requirement of vitamin D.
I was suffering from body ache, generalized weakness/lethargy, mood changes ( depression or anxiety), joint pain & muscle ache. I was suffering from Right side shoulder pain and bilateral elbow pain ( lateral epicondyl) for 6 months eventually went for MRI Shoulder being a radiologist and came to know I have Supraspinatus Tendinitis ( Rotator cuff injury) but Elbow images was completely normal. As the pain is bilateral and involving similar joints and also started in my hands.
Re: What are every day symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency?
Many people don't realize they may have a vitamin D deficiency. Symptoms can be subtle, like feeling tired often, weak bones and muscles, frequent sickness or infections, bone and back pain, difficulty recovering from workouts, mood changes, and slow wound healing. Getting enough vitamin D is crucial for health vitamins revive collection offers quality supplements that can help fill nutritional gaps like vitamin D. I started taking their vitamin D after my doctor said mine was low. Within a few weeks I had more energy and started feeling like myself again. Their supplements are affordable and really work!