Rumor I heard was different all together; I heard it wasn't the track that suspended the A-mods but the drivers. As I heard it they were not going back until the surface was properly fixed and proven. I guess they are tired of destroying their cars on the tracks sub-par surface, and something about being shorted laps. Rumor has it that the whole "club" discussed it and decided it was best for them, of course I don’t know who would have ran such a meeting since the clubs president was fired by the track? Either way rumors are just rumors until race day, like HH will re-open someday, or that 3 Street Stocks are allowed to blatantly cheat, or that new racetracks are being built by people all over the city/state, or new/more clay is being put on Napa, or that some X-Mods are following suit with the A-Mods, again just rumors until race day proves it…