I think I figured it out. The key here is Tech. That's it; obviously drivers want more of it, harder tech, and a little respect from the management team. I think the idea that the track is really the one being robbed by an illegal car is being lost here. Sure the drivers are cheated out of a better finishing spot by an illegal car, but it's the track that loses the money to them. They are paying for a good show not for lip-syncing! No one was willing to pay to see Millie Vanillie after they realized it was all a lie and they couldn’t sing, likewise why would anyone want to pay to see a cheater win? So now that we all agree that the cheater hurts everyone, what are we going to do about it? Likewise I agree with Charlie and his rule book, which anyone could be banned from the track for any reason Charlie deems, he paid for that right by taking on the lease, whether I agree with it or not he owns it for lack of a better word. But yet again banning someone hurts him as much as the track, and the rest of us drivers and fans alike. It’s his money to make or loose as he sees fit bottom line. I agree that Charlie can have an attitude, but I have only seen it when you talk bad to or about his people, even if it was just a misunderstanding, he protects his people. To a fault perhaps but that is a good management style. Now being as respect is a two way street, drivers give it by showing up and by not fighting & arguing with the staff, the track needs to return it by taking tech more seriously, simply providing a track is not enough, that is your business to provide a safe track, the better the track the better the crowd on both sides of the fence, that equals more money for everyone. Respect for the drivers is a quality control measure so when I leave I know I was beat by a better driver, a better set-up, or just plain out a better car, but one that is legal. That is really the bottom line, drivers feel they are not getting the respect returned with the current tech, nothing against any one person, just as a whole, we want things measured, weighed, valve covers pulled, air cleaners removed, we want to be considered illegal until proven by tech that we are legal.