I was never able to get to my goal weight, much less maintain my loss for any length of time with WW...and I did it more times then I can count. That was my failing of course. The weigh ins would start to trigger bad behavior in me every time. I would lose initially and be all enthusiastic about weigh-ins, then start to cheat here and there causing my weight loss to stall. By that time it was all unraveling and I would go the route of not eating on weight in days, or taking diuretics or laxatives, stupid stuff like that. I'm pretty sure it was the same for my mom. I remember one time she got down to a 14 or 16. It was amazing! That lasted about a week, lol! The one time Oprah did lose all her weight was on Opti-Fast. She admitted that her big reveal show where she pulled the fat out in a wagon was the last day she weighed that. She "celebrated" with a cheeseburger and it was all over. She blamed the diet for being a very low calorie liquid diet as the reason she was unable to maintain.