The dictionary says of the word "Support:"
To undergo or endure, especially with patience or submission; tolerate.
To sustain(a person, the mind, spirits, courage, etc.) under trial or affliction:
Support is not a word that can be defined by,"Must Help Others"
Yes, support for others but also support for ones self.
I lost the love of my life, there are days that I can hardly take a deep breath. Those day, nope, not gonna support anyone, but I know Pam will be here if and when I need it..
And, she too shows how human this board is.
I have been on this board for a very long time.
There is no judgment here.
Taking and giving support as needed.
Quiet for days, weeks or months.
Sometime taking, some times giving.
But when Pam says she can see people that "visit" I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the heart that Pam used to start this board so many moons ago IS WORKING.
Woman are so full of emotions, (Thank you Jesus) and because of that, we can fluctuate in consistency of "feelings"
The support that comes from this support board for so very long, is not necessarily for the "Winners"
But for those struggling. Those that don't have an ounce of "Rah" in them at this time, and don't know if they ever will.
But they still come to the place that Pam has "Left the light on" for them.
For me.
Pam, you my dear are more than welcome to delete this post.
I don't mean to be disrespectful.
I am not pointing any fingers.
But If just going on a support board, just to tell of our positive progress of losing weight,there wouldn't be a need for a support board, and there would be very few over weight people.
And there are those (Hi neighbors) that need every fiber of their being to hang onto, to be able to hang in there, and selfishly just can only focus on themselves.
Just like in the airplane, put on your oxygen mask first, or you can't help others.
And I think Pam makes that OK for us all.
P.S I do know that if anyone can or wants too, you can sponsor a month or two or six, of the cost of the Support Board.
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