I won' go into the whole thing.
But it was talking about Focus. To keep our focus on where it needs to be.
MaryL made me think of this when she talked about seeing cakes every month, month after month, (even though the good intentions are there) She looked at them and saw the cakes but just for a moment, and then snapped her focus right back to "but I'm not having that now."
Like a ballerina, spinning, spinning, spinning. The only way she can keeps from getting dizzy, sick, and falling down, it to have her "Target Point" and keep focused on that.
She is without that focal point, for a full turn, but she goes right back to it,
360 degrees around, but goes right back to that "Focus Point"
We just have to remember what our "Focus Point" is and why we made it.
It can be changing at all times.
"Focus Point" in the beginning is "lose 50 pounds" but some days, the "Focus Point" might be "Get through the day"
Have a blessed day and don't forget to breathe.
Deep breathes. Even if you have to remind yourself to do it.
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