Wednesday is "Hump Day"
Thursday is Friday Eve
Friday is Thank Goodness it's Friday.
It doesn't even have it's own meme.
Taco Tuesday doesn't cut it for us anymore right now.
Sooooooooooooo.......It is either "Post Monday" or "Hump Day Eve."
So ya know what, since Tuesday isn't a big deal. Lets just do what we know to do today.
Deep breathes.
No Pressure.
A shake.
A little stretching.
Cool fresh water.
Taking care of what we can today with as little adversity as possible.
Face stresses head on, we know those stresses are there.
So acknowledging them, let's open up the tool box. Strap on the tool belt (mine has elastic) and just move forward.
Have a Beautifully Blessed Day
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