Man, to go back to those picture when so much time was wasted on "I'm so fat, I need to diet."
We can get down to 125 pounds, but there will always be someone skinnier than us.
Someone will always always be heavier than us.
We need to learn to let it go.
Yes, take the wake up call on health and your BEST body image that you can be in the moment, on that day, for that week.
We lose sooooooo much precious time of not being in the moment, and enjoying life.
They did a study a few years back.
They took several women that hated their bodies.
That were self conscious of a thigh, a butt, an ankle.
The researchers took pictures of them out and about.
Showed them to people and asked them to write what was the first thing they noticed about these girls/women.
Not one in several hundred said any "Flaw" that the woman always saw in the mirror.
What people said,
Their hair
their eyes, their smile, teeth. posture......
men and women were asked.
We see things there that no one, NO ONE ELSE SEE's.
(Oh Pam, Remember See's Candy?)
When we look in the mirror....
Having that reaction is OK.
Really it is. Human nature to want to look good.
Ok maybe not human nature but society makes us look at ourselves that way.
So, look in the mirror. Do some self talk. Come in here to get talked off the ledge.
We were NOT put on this earth to be an ornament to it.
We are here to help each other.
A young mother putting her groceries in the car, ask her if you can take her basket for her,.
She doesn't say "Oh no, your butts to big."
See someone in a wheel chair or a walker struggling with a door, ask them, can I hold that for you? They will not say, "Ummmm no, have you seen your thighs???"
We also have to be thankful that we do have the tools to be healthier.
Grateful I don't need a walk or wheel chair, and soooooooo very thankful I don't have a baby.
(Guess how many kids I have)
Our health is important, how we feel about ourselves is important, especially those of you that are in the work force,
But Who we are, and how we act, is far greater than how we look.
Let's be kind to others.
Be kind to ourselves.
Be the healthiest we can be today.
And the weight loss will follow.
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