Well, that must be true, because the past week has been horrendous. My husband was "discharge" from the acute rehabilitation facility to a subacute one. At least, I got him a month more at Kessler despite their protests.
As you probably know now, I have been running around like a decapitated chicken trying to settle Shearwood into his new "subacute" facility yesterday. I met and spoke to the physician this morning. He gave me his cell phone number. I spoke with the therapists yesterday. I hired a private duty aide, who should be starting today.
I relocated his plants, cards, boards, personal belongings to the new place. It is nice and, the thing that's even nicer is that there is no social worker hounding me every five minutes for discharge!!
I'm sure the topic will eventually come around to money/insurance, but there wasn't this push, push, push!!! for insurance and everything else that went along with Kessler. Shearwood, my husband, has an appointment next Thursday at Columbia and I had to hire the ambulance service for his round-trip visit to see the neurologist. Anyway, I am tired and weary, but hopeful.
And I WALKED around the track twice this morning!! I am SO going to get there this time. Take care, folks!!
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