"We are back in full
production on our
popular products!
We are finally back in full production
with Cambridge products.
We will be discontinuing some
of the less popular flavors
from the Original and FFL
product lines.
They are as follows:
FFL Cappuccino
FFL Eggnog
FFL Tomato
FFL Chicken Soup
330 Orange Cream
330 Banana Cream
330 Super Strawberry
330 Rich Strawberry Shake
Stock up now while the above
products are still available!"
I know some of you won't be happy if your favorites are listed here, but they are restructuring and eliminating the waste of unsold flavors. I've been told they will be developing new flavors so if you have any ideas, share then here and I will pass them along.
In the mean time, get what they have left while you have the chance!
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