I have to restart doing the Cambridge SS from the beginning, like a baby learning to take her first foot steps AGAIN. Had a really rough challenging day, especially at work. This is really no excuse to go off track but yet I did it again. Today I woke at 5 am after about 4 hours of sleep, to a mess that my dog had made. I cleaned his mess with my eyes almost propped open with toothpicks. Somehow I was able to make it to work by 630 am to find a parking place close enough to the building so I might be lucky enough to not fall and break a hip this time( I am 65 and everything is covered with ice and snow). I am the sole trainer on a very highly technical piece of equipment that provides detection of chemical components. It basically has the ability seek out and find the needle in the haystack if calibrated properly. Doing the necessary training has left me pretty much drained, but it is that and so much more that has thrown me off track. I have the knowledge but not the will. SuzieQ and PamT thank you for reaching into the "drowning pool" and throwing the life saver out there to bring me safely back to shore. Tomorrow will be a better day.