You may have to make a single journal for each.
A "Poor Me" journal.
Trust me, there have been times that I could fill up either one in just a months time.
And do trust me when I say, as you go, the journals will merge.(Sometimes collide)
I have journaled off and on for years.
And I had different journals.
Mom, wife, Christian, daughter....
but at the moment, I am on my 20th journal of a combined life.
The daughter, the mom, the grand mom, the sister, and now widow, is that same person.
The same person that is grateful some days for the smallest of things, all the way to writing first thing in the morning, "God, seriously, you let this happen?"
My journal is full of snot and tears, and they, everyone one is well earned.(Like my gray hairs and wrinkles)
Some happy snot and tears, and some gut wrenching snot and tears.
all me, all needed.
MaryL dear, if you were perfect, you wouldn't need this board. You wouldn't need anything.
But, Rock, Paper, scissors, Human....
We win when we keep it all in prospective. Even when we are struggling.
God Bless you.
Merry Christmas.
P.S Just for the record. You know those beautiful journals. With art work, scriptures and verses. Doodles and drawings.
Yeah, well I don't have the time or money for that crap.
I have 20 composition books from Dollar Tree with the date on the front. In an ink colors that happen to be laying near...(because I took the pen I was using earlier to write down a phone number.)
Simply Human........
Saved by grace.
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