My issues were never with this person specifically. It was the producers overall treatment of the cast to get the ratings they wanted which was not in the contestants best interest. One of the trainers was even caught and penalized for giving her team diuretics to win a weigh in. Some contestants have confessed they were given stimulants to accelerate weight loss and they have talked about other tactics that were detrimental to their well-being such as all night gym workouts, not drinking water or eating the day before, etc. The focus was all wrong in my opinion.
Weight loss is a very personal challenge and already taxes our emotions to honestly confront our own truths. It's hopefully a healing process, physically and emotionally. Making it a competition for $250,000 adds an element that can bring stress and other negative emotions when the focus should be on recovery and creating a new "normal" to carry us through. Those are my feelings anyway.
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