I am very familiar with this pattern as I did the same for many years of my life. I have always considered my issues with food to be no different then any other addiction, and the more we learn about how our bodies and brains respond hormonally and chemically to the food we subject them to, the more it sustains this belief. This is NOT a weakness or a character flaw as we have been conditioned to believe. This is a very complicated system that has to be reprogrammed and brought back to balance to be able to heal from within. I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope for the best outcome for him. You are among friends who understand you completely. Like most support groups for addicts, we "get it" and do not judge. I hope the past couple of days have been a bit easier for you. Never hesitate to vent here. That's why the board is here. Especially now since it is really just a small group of regulars now. Most message boards are a thing of the past and other social media platforms have replaced them. I'll keep the home fires burning for us here. |
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