Yesterday was a trial run. Today is Day 1. It's almost time to get ready to go to work. I stayed up last night after work watching CSpan - John Dean and the Mueller Report before the House Judiciary Committee. It's a crying shame that the general public has been shielded from most of the truth. Most of the major networks aired the hearings -though some of the cable/ satellite networks may have aired part of it. There is a very disturbing component missing- people (the general public) aren't getting the information they need to make informed decisions about the subject. as a result they do not understand the magnitude of the Russian interference in our election. They aren't getting that the Russians could do it again and the Senate leadership is blocking legislation that would provide protection and aid to local election boards plus address cyber security. I see one party trying to get at the truth and another party with blinders on trying to block the efforts to get at the truth. This is scary to me...It's no wonder I have gained weight in the last 2 years. I am venting and please forgive me if this offends anyone. Everyone have a good day. |
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