Slowly but surely getting those numbers down.. getting away from the 300's. The weekend was good, I had a few slip ups, but I didn't eat junk food. Saturday I had a piece of chicken break and yesterday I had a few cherries and 1 strawberry. I was working the whole weekend so was away from all the festivities. A graduation party on Saturday and Father's day celebration on Sunday. I can see all the left over stuff in the kitchen counter.. I am sure there's more in the fridge but not planning to open it.. no need to. My friend from NJ comes on Thursday and the wedding we are going to is on Friday along with other social events for a week. I should be back on Cambridge when he leaves on the 28th then back to my weekend job afterwards. It's so easy when I am not at home... Well, I am hopeful to be SS'ing this week... at least until Friday. Good day and hope you all have a successful week. |
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