..until not changing becomes too uncomfortable." I was told this by a friend of mine that is a Licensed Clinical Social worker way back in the 80's. At that time I was VERY uncomfortable! I was well in to the mid 300's and in constant pain, also struggling to recover from congestive heart failure and diabetic. I felt like I was 80 yrs old. I wondered at the time just how uncomfortable I would have to be before I was motivated to change. Part of the problem was that I had fully embraced the belief that I was completely incapable of changing anything. I felt that I had just been dealt a bad DNA hand. I believed that I only needed to live long enough to get my children raised and on their own and that I would then be free to give up and die. I had struggled with weight since toddler-hood so there was no reason for me to think otherwise. My body just didn't work right and there were not enough diets or prescriptions in the world to fix me. Obviously, people DO change. I changed. No special powers or advantages. I just finally got uncomfortable enough. Mostly because my 18 yr old daughter was also over 300 lbs and going out on her own. My motivation was to save her, not myself. It was finally enough to make me commit. I'd like to think that we don't have to hit rock bottom before caring enough about our own welfare to commit. I had a lot of messed up thinking back then and had given up on myself. I truly felt that obesity and an early death were my destiny. It never occurred to me to think otherwise. Had my love for my daughter not kicked me in to action, I would not be here today. Of that I am sure. Losing weight is hard. No matter how you are doing it. Partly because there has been so little understanding of the hormonal factors that drive obesity. Because of this misconception, we have all believed it is our failing in life to be obese. I'm telling you it is not. It is about insulin and cortisol and other hormones that can put us in weight gain mode and getting out of that requires dramatic change. Cambridge offers us the tool to make that change. It allows your body to go in to ketosis while providing the nutrition it needs. Your body is finally able to convert over to using the fat it has had stored for years. This fat is not just what you see in the mirror, but also surrounding your organs and that is the dangerous kind. It simulates a fasted state and that triggers all sorts of anti-inflammatory and healing effects. The weight loss is great. But the healing can be even more impactful. Yes, some people never change. But that doesn't mean they were not able to. Believe in your ability to change and you are on your way. Cut the ties with any doubts or negative self talk. We tend to be whatever we believe about ourselves. |
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