Back on SS tomorrow. The onset of the Celluitus left me not being able to I eat anything the first day and the medication makes my stomach churn. Every doctor I have seen, suggests yoghurt to restore the bacteria to the intestinal track, and in my mind I thought that was the end of Cambridge SS at least for a few days. PLease no lectures! Quite frankly I feel depressed I just gave up in despair.. There is no break in the pain! The last ER doctor mentioned probiotics which I will be taking. I didn't get any questions answered yesterday at the clinic followup visit. The physician first of all at seeing my legs made a declaration that my infection wasn't an infection and was instead, inflammation, She made that judgment without reading my history or checking the lab work, which revealed the higher than normal white count, evidence of infection, on multiple episodes. Never mind that I had fever and chills! Never mind that the site of the pain was hot to the touch and red, red. She left the room not to return without prescribing the antidepressants which I needed. I will try to make my appointment with someone else from now on and wish there was another choice in clinics nearby.. I am still in extreme pain from the Cellulitus in my left leg, unable to do much. I have an appointment with a vascular surgeon on July 8th. I hope everyone is doing well Sonalie I miss you. Have a wonderful evening everyone! I am going to be watching the debates. |
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