This morning, the Lord allowed me to get up and enjoy another day. So I got on my stationary bicycle and continued reading the "Jet" series by Russell Blake. Absolutely the most exciting series I have read in a long time. Anyway, I rode the bike for 30 minutes, then I went to do my calisthenics with Joannie Greggains for 12 more minutes and I topped it off with Zack Bush's 4-minute workout. My shoulder feel so much better since I started this 4-minute workout 6 months ago.
I then went out to water my tomatoes, cucumbers and basil in my garden. And I came back to make my shake while i entered my stats in my Fitbit app. Great app, by the way. I don't think I would have lost as much as I have without recording everything I have been eating, drinking, sleeping and exercising.
My mind is clear after about 10 hours of sleep last night. You know, folks underestimate sleep. It IS the real deal regarding healing and repairing your body.
So wish me luck for the rest of the day.
Take care. The "SLEEP" link is below.
I still have 18 days left until my weigh-in in August.
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