I know you didn't ask for any advice, but if you don't mind, I would still strongly recommend that you avoid any and all forms of carbohydrate in the meal you are adding. Getting your insulin levels lowered will go a long way in assisting your body to deal with the issues you have. This can be accomplished by only adding a good protein and healthy fat. It will keep you in ketosis and that will keep your body adapted to using stored fat for its needed energy source. The human body can burn either sugar (carbs) or stored fat to supply needed energy. It can not do both at the same time. Deprive it of dietary carbohydrates and it will do what nature designed to do, go to fat storage. No seed or processed vegetable oils. Just butter, olive oil, avocados or their oil, and other non chemically processed natural fat sources. Proteins like eggs, salmon, beef, pork, chicken (dark preferred) cooked with the fat of choice. This will stabilize hormones (especially insulin and glucose) and keep you in fat burn mode. It is also very satiating and will not trigger or stimulate your appetite as consuming extra carbohydrates will.
I'm so happy to hear you are getting pain relief!
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