C'MON, PEOPLE!! Stop feeling so down!! Cambridge is STILL here until December 31st. It's October, folks!! Do you know the kind of weight loss ALL of US can have if we follow Cambridge until January 1, 2020 and truly bring in the NEW YEAR (and a new decade) with a BANG?!!! So, let's keep going. Be optimistic! Folks keep mentioning "keto". I don't know what a "Keto" is, because Cambridge is the only real KETO that I know if you follow sole source faithfully. I did call Pam and asked her about continuing her wise and sage advice gained through the many decades of her being successful in weight loss. I wouldn't have lost my 60 pounds without Pam. Yes, Cambridge was the tool but Pam was the knowledgeable motivator and inspiration for me to keep going when I was so disgusted with myself. As all of us know, weight loss is a "mindset" and I need someone with that same mindset that is willing to help us. It seems the entire nation has just given up on losing weight. Weight Watchers is a corporate entity with no personal interaction except to sell you their goods. Jenny Craig's food sucks, even with a counselor. Cambridge is the only weight loss plan who "brings the goods", if you follow it. Whoever took over the company from the original Feather Family obviously only saw Cambridge as a business proposition rather than a humanitarian effort. I did my research 30 years ago regarding Dr. Alan Howard from the United Kingdom, as he explained the basis for the Cambridge diet. It made sense then and it makes sense now. Our bodies need to feed off of our fat and these fast food empires are not allowing us to do that with their enticing commercials and ubiquitous advertising. Anyway, I hope that Pam will be able to continue her counseling and her presence as we continue along this gauntlet to weight loss and healthier living. Hear, hear for Pam Turner!! |
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