Since no one is perfect, we need to have a plan for those times we may wobble. I like to call them "rules". If you stick to the rules, it allows you to be imperfect, but to not do any damage. Here are some suggestions Rule #1 Absolutely no carbohydrate of any kind shall pass your lips. This is the most important rule. Carbohydrate is an addictive substance. It does not send the same signals of satiety to the brain like protein and fat does. It only causes you to want more. Your brain craves the next "hit" and it sets you up for struggle and failure. No sugar, fruit, veg, grain, or starch of any kind. Rule #2 If you are distracted by thoughts of food and you are not able to redirect yourself, have a short list of allowable options. These are limited to protein and fat. Contrary to what we were told to believe in the 70's and 80's, dietary fat does not make us fat. Do not fear the calories that come from protein and fat. Your body does not process it the same as it does carbohydrate. 1 or 2 oz hard full fat cheese or a couple of hard boiled eggs are good options. A piece of salmon or a can of sardines works too and are satiating. Make a list of 3 items you can turn to in a pinch, no more then once a day. Rule #3 Physical hunger comes in waves. It usually doesn't last more then 20 minutes or so. Try to ride it out. Drink water or tea or coffee, NO SUGAR! If it goes on for more then an hour, consider one of your 3 option foods, or have an extra shake. Rule #4 If you are not wanting to add any food, you can try a shot glass of sugar free pickle or olive brine. Check the label to make sure it has no sugar or sweeteners. You can also try a pinch of a good quality salt under your tongue. When in ketosis your kidneys release more electrolytes as your insulin levels fall. This can cause a hunger signal, when all your body really needs is salt or water. Redmonds Sea Salt is my choice. It comes from the Great Salt Lake in Utah so it is not polluted with plastics and such like ocean water salt is. It has a good balance of electrolytes. This is also what you want to try of you get leg cramps. Rule #5 Food is never the answer to an emotional event. When we turn to food, mainly carbohydrates, we are following the same behavior as any other addict. Carbohydrates stimulate the same parts of the brain that other addictive substances do. It causes endorphins to be released which causes pleasure, but it's temporary. You will soon be searching for your next hit. If you are experiencing emotions or stress, eating food is like putting oil in your car because you have a flat tire! It won't fix the flat! Identify the emotion and work through it. Emotional resiliency is a valuable life skill. These are a few rules. Feel free to add your own in the comments! We share a lot of the same issues when it comes to weight, but our path to healing and wellness will be different. My rules may not fit your needs and visa versa. |
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