Evidently I screwed something up when I changed out the board to remove the Cambridge name etc. I have no idea what that was or how to fix it, but I am working on it. If I am not successful, I will try to figure out how to put up a new board, emphasis on the word "try".
I did what to let you all know that I finally received the sample of the Dr Howard's Success Weight Loss Plan today. So far we have tried the Caramel Sea Salt bar and the Chocolate Mint Shake. Andy LOVED the bar and ate the whole thing. I then mixed up the shake and we both liked it. I have a bunch more to try but so far, I am encouraged. If you decide to give it a try and place an order, be sure to let them know I sent you. She is currently working on a marketing plan to work similar to what I had with Cambridge, but not set yet.
Now back to try and figure out how I broke the support board! lol! In the mean time, you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to post a new message.
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