I still have some Cambridge and I am using it sparingly. I drink two meals a day and then I have an Atkins bar (130 calories).
One of my friends uses Slimfast and then Atkins.
There is also Medifast sold on Amazon, but that, too is so expensive. A container supplies only 7 servings and it costs about $38 compared to Cambridge which was more reasonable at about $25 for 21 servings. https://www.amazon.com/Medifast-Dutch-Chocolate-Shake-Meals/dp/B008TS3DCW/ref=sr_1_27?crid=2OZW8WHLUY1G6&dchild=1&keywords=optifast+800+shakes+meal+replacement&qid=1587833226&sprefix=optifast+800+shakes%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-27
Whatever we choose, I just know that it will work if we keep true to the particular program.
I was thinking of OptiFast, but that doesn't seem to exist anymore (in the USA anyway).
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