Just think how much water weight you can lose with the high temperatures, Sonali? I'm not walking, but I should.
Stress has become my middle name. But, I am trying to hold it together and think about what I NEED to do. Eating is not going to help me. It may make me feel satisfied for all of the few minutes the food is in my mouth and then......OMG, the guilt afterwards and self-recriminations. So, I am trying not to "go there". Focus on November 1, all that other stuff will ALWAYS be there. It ain't goin' anywhere. Each temptation we overcome makes us stronger. Soon, we'll take off the training wheels and this new relationship with food and our daily routines will become part of who we are. Right now, it is very tough for me because I am a foodie (and lazy).
No excuses, just results!!
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