It's going to be seven days on Cambridge. I'm getting the hang of this again.
We just returned from a Johnny Mathis concert and what a voice this man has at 82 years of age. It is truly God-given.
Anyway, went to the concert, sat down, listened to his magnificent voice, ws truly impressed, left the Performing Arts Center transformed, went home and eventually went to bed. No drama, just doing what I need to do.
Today is supposed to be in the 80s again. My ankle is getting better. Walking is an activity I never thought I would have to worry about. But, here it is! Literally, one step at a time.
Re: Day #7
Posted by Pam T on 4/14/2018, 9:53 am, in reply to "Day #7"
Sounds wonderful. Glad you had a good undramatic time!