Sweetie, you do not know how "Spot on" you are about our journey. The Cambridge Diet..... Or any diet, or as a matter of fact, or anything in life that we want. You posted, "You have to be in right mind set. If you go off a day.the trick is to go right back on which in the past I always messed up." Even getting into the right "Mind Set" takes a mind set or tricks, or promises, or what ever, to get us to take that step. The first step, or the "re-starter" steps. If each one of us had a "Reboot button" then when we "messed up" we could push it, and we would go make a shake and drink it and let the other guilt and self beating up go.....we would be, not only lighter, but we would have peace of mind that we are once again on the right track. What is stopping us from having that? Ummmmm...........ourselves. Yep, we are our own worse accuser, critic and and judge. We can not be on Cambridge 24/7/365 the rest of our lives. We have to be able to to eat. Just retrained. Cambridge is just a tool. That's it. A tool on our tool belt. It is like the sledge hammer of a "House" make over. Ya just swing it, and knock down as much as you can. That is great. When the 30, 40 or fifty pounds are gone, but..... what about the fine detail work. Those small times in a week or a month or a year, like when ts your grand daughters birthday and she cuts you a piece of cake? Am I going to decline it because I am "SS" and will continue on my way as a weight loss warrior, (that she will not remember me for) or eat that cake with joy and celebration of the short time we have on this earth to live. Barbara back to your statement "Nail on head" When I go home, what to I do? Hop back on the train I was on when I got to the party, or go to a "Place" of mental destruction and self haltered? Well, to be transparent, yes......I have. But as you so beautifully pointed out, mind set mode. Go home, get back on track even if you don't want a shake/soup/oats......... Do it anyway and guess what, you are back on track. But, the second half of that mind set will be the rest of the day or the next day. I know what a carb will do to me. It will set me into over drive of not just cravings, but real hunger. So I know I need to be prepared for a few days. and extra shake/soup/oats, and another and another if need be. Or I might even have to go for celery, frozen blue berries, a dill pickle. And I won't beat myself up over that, because............................if I wasn't eating a dill pickle, it would be a bag of chips. It may only take half a day, it may take two days or more, but so much more is going on that "SS" 1. We enjoyed the day with said grand daughter 2. We were aware of what said cake would do to our system. 3. We took control, not only mentally but physically {ate a dill pickle.} 4. And Because we didn't let that "bite" take us down, we are free of guilt. and 5. Because we won't be on Cambridge 24/7/365 the rest of our lives, we learned how to maintain the weight that the Sledge Hammer took off. Barbara, getting "right back on" is the trick, the secret the answer. The two deadliest days to a dieter is "Monday" and "The first of the month." (and the "Golden Ticket?" When the first of the month falls on a Monday) We wait for those days, to "start over" like they are "Magic days, they aren't. That may work for some, for a while, but the six days after Monday, or the 29 days after the 1st, is where the real magic happens.
Posted by Barbara on 4/30/2018, 6:54 pm, in reply to "BARBARA!!!"
Wow what a post. Very inspiring. I starting making the support board part of my day. This question is for Pam. I tried to place an order today but the on line ordering was down. I tried to order today because I don't like the May special. Is there any way to get a different flavor?
Posted by Pam T on 5/1/2018, 4:41 pm, in reply to "Re: BARBARA!!!"
Yes...sorry about this inconvenience. I just posted something about this. The Cambridge website shopping cart is undergoing maintenance so it will be down for another day or two. You will need to call in your order to them direct at 800-443-2584. Again...sorry. We were not given any warning so I found out about it after it happened.
They do not change the Special for individuals as far as I know. You could ask when you call in, but my guess is a no. Worth a try however!
Posted by Yvonne on 4/30/2018, 4:03 pm, in reply to "BARBARA!!!"
What a post!! Thank you, Me.
You have articulated all the emotion and psychological obstacles that I face every day.
Words and thoughts of wisdom. Thank you again
Re: WOW!
Posted by MaryL on 4/30/2018, 12:29 pm, in reply to "BARBARA!!!"
Dear Me I know your message was for Barbara. Your post is amazing! Thank you.
I learned everything I know....
Posted by Me on 4/30/2018, 12:55 pm, in reply to "Re: WOW!"
From Pam. And you dear heart MaryL, you also prompted my thought bubble going today. You said you hadn't been posting because you weren't SS. We need to come up with other "Phrases" that also stand for "SS" Why? So we can be on the board no matter what "SS we happen to be in. Lets play a game. What can your "SS" stand for besides "Sole Source" OH PICK ME PICK ME!!!! I will go first. I am a Born again Jesus Follower (Better Known around my parts as "The Crazy Jesus Lady"} So my daily "SS" is.... (get ready for an eye roll) I am Posting right now because I am SOUL SOURCING!!!! Who's next? Just put "SS" in the Subject line. And Please, we need a list of "SS" phrases too that are for the "Not so great days," but we still come on here to post. Like...."Simply Staled" OR "Strained Smile"
Self Soothing- comforting oneself without comfort eating ..
Posted by Me on 4/30/2018, 4:05 pm, in reply to "Re: SS"
Oh Man!!!!! That is an awesome "SS" MaryL Pampering!!!!! Yeah you!!!! Well done!
Re: SS
Posted by Yvonne on 5/1/2018, 10:54 pm, in reply to " SS"
Seriously Surviving
Posted by Me on 5/2/2018, 10:09 am, in reply to "Re: SS"
Oh this is a perfect "SS." Whether it is a perfect day, a so-so day or a "I can't get to my bed fast enough" day. Surviving another day to do better. Thank you Yvonne