My big Brother decided to give Cambridge a try (finally!) so I got him set up with an order and he got it last week. I hadn't heard from him since starting so I texted him today and this was the reply I got:
Me-"Hey Tom, how is the diet going? Day 6, right?"
His reply-
"We’re sorry, but the person you are trying to reach has pee’d himself out of existence. Please try again once he’s pee’d himself dry of any remaining life sustaining liquids.
Haha...yeah, day 6!"
I thought that was hysterical! Thought it might give you all a chuckle too.
I am cracking up!!!
Posted by Yvonne on 8/20/2018, 2:00 pm, in reply to "My funny brother"
You DO have a funny brother.
I am starting back today. I have no other alternative but TO start again. It's just two weeks to Labor Day and the Original Cambridge Handbook back in 1984 recommended that one commit oneself to two weeks for this program in the beginning.