I am getting ready and getting everything set into place . Starting back on Cambridge tomorrow
I am looking forward to feeling better, looking better, and making the most if the time that I have left. We who are over 65 learn to count each day as it could be the last.
It is so worth the commitment MaryL! Knowing that in a week you can be feeling so much better is worth the initial few days of transition in to ketosis. Don't forget to drink your water and take it easy until you feel your energy going up.
I'm turning 60 in Feb. I have feelings about it. My mom passed at 62 from CHF. She and I shared the same health profile, though she never really made an effort to change her lifestyle to combat it. My sister that was 2 years older then me passed at 57 from cardio pulmonary hypertension 5 years ago so she never saw 60. I am very motivated to go in to my 60's healthy, fit, and feeling strong and hopefully, pharmaceuticals free!