Well, the scale had better readings than last week! :-) I was away for the weekend with my client. He's 82 with dementia and recently had hip replacement surgery. Although he goes to the restroom by himself (thank goodness) he'll still have the occasional accidents here and there as he didn't make it on time or didn't aim right lol anyway, due to his medications, the smell is not the greatest, thus making me lose my appetite and making it easier to stay on SS! So that's a very good thing.
If I didn't have this weekend job, I would have faced a bday and grad party over the weekend with tons of food.
Next weekend there are more parties and looks like with summer around the corner, I am just much safer staying away on the weekends and focusing on me! It's not the easiest job, but it's only temporary just like SS!
My friend from NJ comes on the 20th so my goal is to continue with SS until then and hopefully get more numbers knocked down.
Good day and best of luck in this journey everyone. It's a lonely one so please, please post so I know I am not alone!
Re: 293
Posted by Pam T on 6/10/2019, 9:45 pm, in reply to "293"
I'm here! I have often thought the same when I was dieting. It can be an isolating experience if you are going it alone. Everything is centered on food it seems.
It admire you being so proactive in setting yourself up for success. AND you're getting paid to do it! Brilliant!
Re: You Are Not Alone
Posted by MaryL on 6/10/2019, 8:58 pm, in reply to "293"
No weight loss journey is easy. SS is one of the most challenging . It is mostly mind over matter and my mind is not cooperating. It takes a lot of saying "NO" to get those neurons and brain receptors to respond.
You can do this! You have proven you have the ability to stay the course.
Needed this! I was literally about to drop it all and just have some leftover food from yesterday's party, BUT just before signing off and seeing your message, I am back on track. Going to walk in that kitchen and not even open the fridge, I am just going to get my Cambridge ingredients from the cabinet, make my shake and go for my evening walk.
LIFESAVER! Really, really needed this message.
Posted by MaryL on 6/11/2019, 2:37 pm, in reply to "THANK YOU, MaryL"
I understand completely what those make or break moments are like.