I've been all over the place with the usual June stuff (weddings, reunions, anniversaries, graduations etc.)
I confess I have NOT been doing that well. BUT!! Cambridge is still here and I am still here!! So, I'm back "on the wagon".
My husband and I celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary on June 8th (and I have been tumbling down since then). But, today is another day.
You know, it's been a year since my husband had his massive stroke (June 13, 2018). I never envisioned celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary in a skilled nursing facility. But, God is good and he is ALIVE!!!
I hired a private chef and sommelier to create a special lunch for us at the rehab facility——and they did!! The chef, Sas, was amazing. She whipped up some phenomenal dishes for us. Her business partner, Marco, served the champagne and educated us about wines. It was beyond my wildest dreams. My husband was so happy and so was I.
But, now, it's back to work!!
Happy Anniversary to you both!
Posted by Pam T on 6/25/2019, 2:47 pm, in reply to "Hey!! I'm Back!"
How wonderful! Love the sign.
Is your calendar clear now? You can quickly undo any damage so no worries. Just get your mind set on it and enjoy the memories of all the celebrations you got to enjoy.
I'm not finished, just yer. I have one more "social" obligation to finish, i.e., OB/GYN residents graduation gala and then my daughter's birthday. Then, I am free to concentrate.
I've tried over the past few days, but there is no consistency. So, I'll get my act together and focus on ME after her birthday.
A buck and 3/4 (175 pounds)!! Here I come!!
Re: Hey!! I'm Back!
Posted by MaryL on 6/24/2019, 12:47 pm, in reply to "Hey!! I'm Back!"
How wonderful! Thank for sharing the photos.Sohappy you are back.