So I am Six Weeks away from surgery. I am frustrated the surgeon wanted me to lose 15 lbs before. I am suppose to call four weeks before surgery to schedule a weigh in. I am only down 7 of the 15. I have to call in two weeks. I did not lose at all this week. I did not do anything different. Except maybe move more unless I am getting more muscle. Any suggestions? I have been SS and Drinking 100 0z water. It wouldn't matter except I don't want the surgery canceled if I don't lose. I was averaging 3 lbs a week.I am down 51 lbs
Don't weigh in right for a week. Just focus on doing what you have been doing and if you can exercise more than do so. Your body needs to adjust and the scale may not tell the whole story.
I am impressed with your weight loss. 51 pounds is a lot of weight!
I can't exercise much that is why I am getting a hip replacement. I had done alot more movement this week than usual which makes me wonder if I am gaining muscle. I wouldn't care but need to go in for this weigh in. and still need to lose 8 lbs.
I am honestly surprised your surgeon is being so specific about a required weight, especially with the loss you've already had. Weight loss is never predictable or linear. It can go in spurts, up down, sideways. Plateaus are a very normal part of weight loss, no matter what method being used. Even gastric surgery patients hit plateaus. Mine was at about 60 lb lost. It lasted for weeks with me doing the exact same thing I had been doing when the weight was dropping. Then all the sudden I started losing again. Totally normal, though hard to not get discouraged.
If you are SS and drinking your water and not taking in any diet sodas (they can cause fluid retention and insulin spikes signaling the body to store fat) then you are doing all you can. Your body is working hard right now dealing with healing and hormones and mobilizing fat. There really is nothing else you can do but what you are already doing. The number on the scale really is not a gage at all of what is happening in your body. It can not tell you bone or muscle density, fluid level, or what waste products are being broken down for elimination. It's so much more complicated then that number. Stick with it and see what they tell you. 8 lbs is really not enough for them to not do your surgery In my opinion, especially since you will likely drop that or more post surgery. Healing from a traumatic surgery like hip replacement burns energy like a locomotive engine! I lost so much while recovering from my knee replacements!
Thanks Pam for your encouragement. I needed that. By my scale it would be 228. The scale there is different. The two weeks before surgery he wants me to up my calories by adding more protein and make sure I eat 1000 calories so I am not malnurished. I have been eating jumbo lump crabmeat which is very high in protein, expensive but worth it. Adding Some turkey here and there. Have lost steadily three lbs a week. Drinking a lot of water.