its been only four days since my surgery and I have gained over 10 lbs. I know a ceramic hip adds some weight but this is crazy. I am not eating overly crazy. I can't ss right now, but have been using both. Yesterday I had a serving of cambridge. Chicken breast and string beans, 1 plum and 2 protein bars and gained 2 lbs over night. I can't always stand to make my cambridge and need more protein to heal. Any thoughts? I want to mover forward not backwards. My leg is swollen below the wound and I am taken several medications. I am also feeling bloated. Drinking my 8 glassed of water.
This is totally normal after a surgery like this. You are dealing with a ton of inflammation which includes a LOT of fluid! When I had my knee replacements my legs looked like tree stumps. I had lost a lot of weight before my surgery too. I had to wear compression stockings for a while to help squeeze it up and out. Time will take care of this for you, but while you are healing continue to take your Cambridge as often as you can. You need the nutrients right now more then ever. Only add good protein sources and healthy whole foods fats. No grain or sugar or carby foods. These are all highly inflammatory and will add to the problem and your pain. Recovery can be exhausting and frustrating and pain meds can really mess with your head and cause depression so take it one day at a time and know that any weight gain is likely very temporary. Once you are recovered you can see where you are and take it from there. You have some wonderful pain free years ahead of you now!
Anyone who does Cambridge and then moves to another diet will immediately gain a few pounds. Your body may be reacting to the surgery by retaining some fluid at the site of the incision. How many days di you receive an IV? Did the doctor approve your diet as a post op diet? If not then maybe follow the doctor's instructions for nutrition and wait a few weeks to be fully healed before starting back on the Cambridge.
Stay off the scale.
Remember you have lost a great amount of weight and that is a lot to be proud of.
I hope you have an amazing recovery and get back to "normal" soon!
Thank you for sharing and take care.
Re: Stress and Medication?
Posted by MaryL on 8/11/2019, 10:54 pm, in reply to "Re: My Opinion"
One other thought. Sometimes the medication can be a contributing factor as well as stress.