Well, another week gone. I've been struggling a little but also in full force of not giving up. I'll keep "jumping on that horse for all the endless falls"
I heard a couple talking in the grocery store about how there's another wave of COVID on the rise and they anticipate it will affect obese ppl. They were talking (without offending anyone, of crouse) that obesity people will be the next target and have to stay home to be safe. Now, i am not sure what their professional backgrounds were (both were slightly over weight) and I am not sure if they got their sources from someone or just stating personal comments, BUT it did catch my ear and hung out in that aisle longer to keep hearing.
Anyway, thought I'd share as it can be true or not but it got me thinking for sure. These undcertain times has everyone on edge.
have a good and safe weekend all.
Re: Fat Shaming?
Posted by MaryL on 8/15/2020, 10:18 am, in reply to "COVID and obesety "
Hi Sonali. I am very happy to see you are still getting back on that horse. My "horse" which I have fallen off of many times, is a bucking bronco. Like any wrangler we must learn to dust ourselves off and get back in the saddle. Obesity is a terrible thing which afflicts increasing numbers of Americans, including children because of the Standard American Diet.
Concerning the conversation that you overheard, I could not help but wonder if this couple was speaking in a stage whisper so that those who they deemed to be fat could hear them, in an effort at "fat shaming". I have been publicly "fat shamed" over the years so am very aware of people's intentional cruelty.
Young athletes in perfect health with no known medical preconditions have ended up in the ICU on ventilators so it isn't only obese people with preexisting conditions who are vulnerable to Covid19.
Sonali, best wishes and never give up!
Posted by Yvonne on 8/15/2020, 9:08 am, in reply to "COVID and obesety "
What you heard is a bunch of nonsense. It's not that the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) will disproportionately affect obese people. It's because obese people have more co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension and the like. That's where the virus usually makes it mark. But this virus is attacking EVERYBODY!! So, don't be fooled. Social distancing and hand washing will help us stay safe.
Just keep losing the weight---COVID or no COVID. My horse has bent legs for all the number of times I have been jumping on and off its back. But, I am still trying.
If it were easy, then we all would be thin. But, it is NOT. It takes persistence, focus and courage to keep going in the midst of adversity, Life is adversity.
I continue to struggle but I will not stop!!
Re: Nonsense!!!
Posted by Pam T on 8/25/2020, 7:25 am, in reply to "Nonsense!!!"
How lucky are we during these stressful covid months to have our own medical professional to give us the facts? Thank you Yvonne. There is so much conflicting information colliding out there, from the end of life as we've always known, to conspiracy that's it's all a big hoax to control the masses. It's crazy. Now that we live in a more rural area the people are far less concerned then those in our previous community. People here tend to lean more towards the conspiracy theories. It's concerning, but we're continuing with as we've been doing and have remained healthy,