it's been run by an ashram and therefore the price is cheap (£350 everything included). benefits of doing this would include: cleaning out your colon of unbeneficial flora, clearing mucoid plaque from the colon walls, using the fast as a springboard into healthier ways of eating that foster beneficial intestinal flora and starve the candida and other undesirables etc! a healthier gut is less likely to produce excessively smelly stools, which may in turn make us less anxious about shitting generally. there's still space on the fast as far as i know; however i realise it's very short notice. but if there's enough interest in the idea, i would be happy to do the retreat again at some point in the future with a few people who have parcopresis. it would be a great opportunity to meet each other. anyway, in case any of you can make this one coming up, i'll be doing it this time round. will post about my experience after.